Political “debate”

Blame the media. Blame the politicians. Blame whatever you want, but the state of political debate and thought in the mass media seems to be more diatribe than debate. Each side blindly trumpets its own headlines, accusing all nay-sayers of being liberal or...

Summarizing Shame

Recently on Facebook, I mentioned that this year’s theme will be “The Abolition of Shame”.  I wasn’t sure what kind of response it would get because so many people either don’t even recognize shame, or think it is entirely appropriate.  A...
The Day it Rained Candy

The Day it Rained Candy

I have Type II Diabetes. I’m rather open about it for a number of reasons, but the point is that both of my children know what it is, what can happen if untreated – more than they ever really wanted to know. Recently, my wife came across a story that my...

Observations vs. Evaluations

This is a post on what I am learning about Non-Violent Communication (NVC). You can find an introduction to NVC in a previous post. The first step in the NVC process is to Observe. When I saw this, I thought, “Great! As a software engineer, I’m already a...

Introducing Non-Violent Communication

Something I’ve been studying recently is a communication technique called Non-Violent Communication (NVC), pioneered by a man named Marshall B. Rosenberg. I’ve also heard it referred to as Compassionate Communication, though. It is a way of communicating...

Dog Diary vs. Cat Diary – Author Unknown

DOG DIARY 8:00 am – Dog food! My favorite thing! 9:30 am – A car ride! My favorite thing! 9:40 am – A walk in the park! My favorite thing! 10:30 am – Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing! 12:00 pm – Lunch! My favorite thing! 1:00 pm...